There have been so many great pioneer ideas for singing time online this month. I have been out of town for a couple weeks, so I'm excited to be able to have some pioneer fun in primary this Sunday. I am going to be using The Children Sing's roller box idea with the following songs in the following ways:
CS 214 Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked (using the visuals pictured up top - these I drew from an idea in A Children's Songbook Companion)
CS 247 Rain is Falling (slowly -up a hill, then softly, changing the words to "sun is shining" - past a rattlesnake)
CS 105 The Holy Ghost (echoing through the canyon)
CS 236 Give, Said the Little Stream (humming like a bee)
CS 218 To Be a Pioneer (directing together at a campfire or possibly using stick instruments)
Hymns 116 Come, Follow Me (with lights out)
I love the idea of ending singing time with the lights out, perhaps acapella, very reverently. I better bring a tissue because I am sure I will get teary. It will be a wonderful opportunity to bear testimony of how the pioneers followed the Savior, by sacrificing so much, to worship Him freely, and how we can also be pioneers (like we sing in "To Be a Pioneer"), and answer the Savior's call, to "Come, Follow Me".
You're stick figures are amazing. There really is an art to stick figures. Any chance you can post them in a way so I can download them. Sadly I am not even capable of drawing stick figures :) I love this idea. Simple yet effective! thanks!
primary music chorister in az
Sorry, I'm not able to post a download-able version of the stick figures, because of copyright issues. I agree with you that stick figures can be an art - and I used the art in the book mentioned in my post to draw my figures- I really just enlarged them by eye. "A Children's Songbook Companion" is a fantastic resource for primary. I'd encourage anyone to buy it for personal use, or to add it to your ward library!